Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that typically appear between the ages 15 and 25. They are commonly known as the “wisdom teeth” because they appear in the jaw during a period of maturity, which is sometimes referred to as wisdom.

Wisdom teeth are not essential for survival, but they can be useful for chewing tough food such as raw meat or vegetables which humans would not have been able to chew without them.

Why Wisdom Teeth May Need to Be Removed

wisdom teeth removalWhen wisdom teeth come in, it might cause problems with other teeth or jaw bones. Wisdom tooth extraction is usually done when there is an infection or pain caused by the wisdom tooth coming through into other parts of the mouth, or if the wisdom tooth is so difficult to remove that it might damage nearby teeth. Some patients may need a general anesthetic for a wisdom tooth extraction, and some do not.

After a thorough examination and X-rays or a CT scan, your dentist will be able to determine whether or not you need to remove your wisdom teeth. Here are some typical reasons why:

  • Your jaw may not be big enough and there may be too many teeth, which can lead to crowding.
  • Your wisdom teeth may be coming in a crooked position, which can cause problems with the teeth and jawbones, causing you to miss out on chewing food.

  • Wisdom teeth may not be entirely visible, and when this occurs bacteria can easily become trapped.

  • Cysts can sometimes develop around your wisdom tooth and have the potential to cause infection and injure tissues in the mouth.

After talking with your dentist you can weigh the pros and cons of the procedure to ensure that you get the treatment that best suits your goals.

The Procedure

Wisdom tooth extraction is a procedure that’s usually done right in the office by a dentist or an oral surgeon. It is possible to do the procedure with only a local anesthetic, so you don’t need to feel any pain. Although if multiple teeth are being taken out at once, a general anesthetic may be given. Before the procedure, the type of anesthesia best suited for your situation will be discussed and determined.

Once you are properly numbed, your gum tissue may need to be given a little more attention by a dentist to give them the best opportunity to pull your tooth without causing too much damage. Once your tooth has been removed and the area around it stitched up, you’ll have time to rest before you can go home as well. Depending on what type of anesthesia you have had, you may want to bring someone with you who can drive you home.

After the Procedure

Wisdom teeth typically heal quickly but recovering from the surgery can be difficult. It’s recommended that you stay as rested and relaxed as possible, while also taking any prescribed pain medication. It’s normal to experience some blood loss at the extraction site, which can be controlled by using gauze pads to cover it, changing them as needed, and resting with the head held up on pillows instead of being flat.

An icepack can help reduce swelling from the initial day or two after your treatment. On day two of recovery, placing a warm washcloth on the cheek may make you feel more comfortable. Repeating this a few times a day as well as rinsing your mouth with warm salt water can help to alleviate pain.

After having your wisdom teeth removed, you may want to stick to eating soft foods and avoid brushing or putting anything hard in your mouth for a few days. Your dental recovery will be complete in no time! Follow the instructions given to you by your dentist. These will vary depending on your case and how you feel but can increase your level of comfort.

If your wisdom teeth are bothering you make an appointment to see our dentist at Sun City Dental in El Paso.