Root Canal Treatment

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Root Canal Treatment



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TMJ and TMD Jaw herapy

Root canal treatment is an important procedure that can be used to treat nerve problems in your teeth. It’s a common dental procedure that is often confused with tooth removal. In most cases, it feels no worse than a filling but can really help relieve pain caused by chipped teeth or tooth decay.

A root canal is done when the tooth’s pulp tissue becomes infected or inflamed. Over time, the pain may lessen, but without treatment, the infection may get worse. A dental abscess is a serious, often painful condition that can cause problems for other body parts too.

Root Canal Procedures

Root canal procedures are becoming increasingly painless, and most people barely notice it. It is true that tooth decay or gum disease can be somewhat painful. However, saving your tooth with a root canal procedure relieves this acute pain and it will be worth it in the long run.

If you’re able to save your tooth with a root canal treatment and restorative dental work, you’ll be able to avoid the problems that occur when teeth must be removed. These include tooth migration, shifting or problems with chewing, expensive and complicated dental surgery, or the loss of bone structure.

Causes of Root Canal Problems

Root canal treatment is a procedure that is used to treat the root of the tooth. This can be done for any number of reasons, including the following:

  • A root canal procedure may be required if there is severe pain, swelling, or infection in the area around your tooth
  • If you have had a toothache for a long period of time, it may require a root canal treatment because the nerve inside your jaw can get damaged.
  • If you have had an accident that has caused extensive damage to your teeth, they may need to be extracted and replaced with new ones. Your dentist will extract all the damaged parts and replace them with artificial ones.
  • Deep decay can cause the pulp tissue to become infected and inflamed. This may lead to serious problems with your tooth root. Untreated cavities typically allow bacteria to spread to the center of the tooth and infect its pulp. If a hole penetrates the protective enamel coating, there’s a high chance for bacteria to get in.
  • Trauma to the tooth that may have resulted from a sports injury or automobile accident. It’s best to get treatment right away so that you can try and save the tooth, as well as prevent future problems.

What to Expect During Root Canal Therapy

The root canal process usually starts the same way as a filling. And many patients feel no pain at all! An anesthetic will numb your tooth and surrounding area before getting started.

Here, the surface of the tooth is gently drilled at a 90-degree angle. This is to give access to the dentinal tubules – tiny tubes where flowing blood brings nutrients and oxygen. Some instruments are used in a root canal process that involves removing dead or dying pulp tissue from inside. This is the last part of the filling process, as it seals the cavity so that there’s nothing seeping in to cause trouble again.

After the root canal treatment, it’s normal to experience sensitivity or tenderness for several days. When it comes to relieving your symptoms, you can count on over-the-counter pain relievers., but they may not be enough. Your doctor will decide whether a prescription pain reliever is necessary. During this time, it may be advised to avoid biting down too hard on the tooth in question. All of these symptoms should ease over time, but if they don’t, please see a dentist as they could be signs of something more serious.

Signs and Symptoms of Root Canal Problems

If you’ve ever had pain in your tooth, you know something is wrong. You might try to ignore it, but eventually, the pain will get too much to ignore.

There are several signs and symptoms of root canal problems:

  • Pain when biting down on something hard or cold. Your mouth and gums may have been hurting for some time and your mouth feels constantly full of fluid.
  • Not being able to chew food properly—either because it feels like something is caught in your teeth, or because it’s very difficult for you to get any food into your mouth at all.
  • A visible crack in the surface of your tooth. This could mean that there’s been too much decay inside the pulp chamber (the part where nerves and blood vessels are located), or it could mean that there’s been too much decay inside your root canal wall (the outside layer).

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to get it checked out right away. Call Sun City Dental El Paso for an appointment.